Tag Archives: Boston

Boston’s Best Eat

Sure Boston doesn’t quite top the charts as a culinary destination beyond clam chowder… but that doesn’t mean you should chalk your trip up as a foodie loss and eat subway the whole time you’re here. …There are some hidden gems in Beantown, and lucky for you I’m going to share their whereabouts. Tell your […]

Birthdays in Boston

Nothing quite as depressing as aging in Boston; Beantown is seriously lacking a venue for 20 somethings to celebrate their big days. This past weekend, to honor my dear friend Camille’s 24, we headed off to Howl at the Moonpromptly at 9pm to beat the rush. I mean really, is there anything better than slurping green […]

An Insider Guide to Exploring Boston as a Tourist

Ok lets get real about two things.  Foremost I should coin the travel slogan ‘travel as a local but also explore your home as a tourist”. Money. Secondly, I should confess Boston isn’t reaaaally my city. Heck until senior year of high school I probably had been to disneyworld more times than I’d ventured the […]

Boston Spring Fashion: Just Don’t.

Oh spring.  What a beautiful time.  Everyone stretches their arms and comes out of hiding.  The lilys start blooming, birds start singing and smiling becomes more commonplace. Despite the magic of the birds and the bees, spring in Boston makes me downright cringe. Eager to kick off their uggs, Bostonians make spring fashion faux paus to the […]

Boston Birthday Celebration Guide

Boston Birthday Hotspots As a non-celebrator of my own aging, I usually avoid throwing myself a Boston Birthday Bash.  BUT I absolutely get giddy over planning for someone else’s big day and stress for ions over where to have the hooplah!

Pass the Bubbly

The daunting pessimism about the future is inescapable today. Growing up in a country embedded in individualism and the pursuit of materialistic prosperity, my generation is inundated with the notion that success is measured solely by wealth. With an unstable economy and poor job market for college graduates, feelings of shame and hopelessness are rampant. Despite this, […]


Despite my previous blog, I have always been a proud Bostonian, and there’s no better time to appreciate MA than fall. Fenway franks taste even better when there’s a crispness in the air.  And while I vow never succumb to drinking anything besides bud light at a Red Sox game (although I do detest beer..), […]

Bostonian criticisms: Unhealthy, poorly dressed massholes.

In my east meets west, gets sent back east saga, I’ve made quite a few generalizations. 1. people in MA want to be overweight.  It’s a rarity to find any sandwich, omelet or even salad not smothered in cheese and bacon.   Toast is always drenched in butter, girls and guys alike slug bud heavies […]